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Image by Sapan Patel


Wellbeing Economy

A fair, Ecological, conscious, sustainable economy



We promote the eco-social transition to stop the degradation of the planet, eradicate poverty, combat social inequality and place the sustainability of life as a priority objective and as a benchmark for productive activities. This ecosocial transition requires the participation of the widest range of sectors of the population and initiatives that contribute their vision and transformative capacity towards a

Wellbeing Economy.


Etymologically, Economy comes from the Greek and it meant "the management of the Home". Over time this has changed a lot and it's main "management" or goal has become the growth of the financial part in a hyper-competitive market, curiously coming closer to the term separated by syllables "Eco-no-my", if we look at the destructive environmental effect (Eco-no) and that of the well-being of living beings on earth (-for- My or me).

With many aspects in common with the Social and solidarity Economy, Economies of the Common Good, Ecofeminist, the Well-Being economy brings together the essential aspects of these, concretizing with it's name the "Well-Being" in all its width.

Purpose of the economy: to provide human and ecological well-being.
Prevention: not content with repairing the harm caused, but preventing it from occurring in the first place.
Pre-distribution: To reduce growing inequalities, redistributive policies that correct income differences through taxes and subsidies are not enough. It is necessary for everyone to have the same opportunities, avoiding inequalities in origin (the same opportunities for education, healthcare, culture, etc...). Pre-distribution does not consist of correcting the differences in income produced by the market, but rather of modifying the operation of the market in order to generate less inequality.
Power of the people: guarantee the participation
of people in decisions and in the establishment of the political agenda. For example, through citizen assemblies and other participatory procedures


Activity for High school:


Introduction through Role dynamics and games to a realisation of how our consumption and the jobs we do affect the situation around the world. 


 Looking through "interdependence" eyes. How everyone with their awareness and knowledge can contribute to a world without climate change or wars. 


Starting Here and Now.

The importance of collaboration Vs hyper-competition, the nature and importance of values ​​to contribute and co-exist in a living and balanced world and system.








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