Caring for the planet requires moving in the right direction. Sometimes also mobilizing in the street.
AMónvÃu.orgwe are aware of the interdependent relationship we have with nature. We fully support and have participated and participate in the organization of many of the mobilizations of climate movements such as Extinction Rebellion Barcelona, Familiesforfuture, Zeroport, and for some time now cohesive in the Network of Climate justice.
As a member of XR Barcelona, Teachers4Future Cat (Teachers for the Future), Climate Justice Network, I consider the link with the 3rd sector essential.
Climate Justice Network:
Telegram: https://t.me/xarxaclimatica
Tw: https://twitter.com/xarxaclimatica/status/1411734902786101249?s=09
Teachers4Future Cat:
Telegram: https://t.me/T4Fcat
XR Barcelona
Twitter: @XRBercelona
Telegram: https://t.me/XRBarcelona
Fridays: FFF BCN
From ecologists in action: