Activities with Values
We offer information, contents and inspirational activities to view and live in a sustainable, healthy and happy way.
With the intention of filling a cultural and educational need that connects the inner world (perception of the world, emotions) with coherent action within the "outer world".
Making us aware of our causes of our individual and collective well-being and
Inter-connected within the ecosystems of NATURE.
-Mindfulness In or Eco-mindfulness. + Understanding and management of emotions.
- Contentsx a Wine Worldu and in balance.
- Collaborative. Members of various arts and styles, working for this world in balance.
- Connection with other people and with the nature of which we are a part... interdependence.
Lawrence Witty
Actor, storyteller, workshop artist.
With more than 20 years of experience in meditation and mindfulness. Conta contes i Teatre educatiu en anglès, català i castellà. 5 years doing Theater tours in English to theaters in the Iberian Peninsula, Portugal and France.
Author of the Mindfulglasses series of stories, music for peace and the earth.
Environmental activist for the Climate, volunteer and member of organizations and cooperatives of conscious consumption.
Courses and workshops held include Mindfulschools, Awakening Schools I and II, Mindfulness and Emotions, Theater of the Oppressed, Actor in English for Camera, Musical Theatre, Clown, Transition to Sustainability.
Celtic Course English teacher trained at 'BCN International House', creator and teacher of English+Theatre+Midfulness activities for groups.

​ Objectius:
Oferir teatre, tallers i conta contes interactius de qualitat que inspirin i toquin el cor. En anglès Natiu, Català o Castellà.
Oferir obres adaptades a les diferents edats, nivells.
Inspirar amb temes d’interès social i mediambiental, sostenibilitat, la inclusió, la igualtat, etc.
Fer que aprenentatge d'anglès sigui una experiència joiosa, participativa i enriquidora.
Oferir cursos i tallers on fer-nos conscients de nosaltres , els altres i l'entorn. Mindfulness integral, "Teatre Social, Fòrum i del 'Arco Iris", Consum Conscient transformador, Economia transformadora.
Daniel Turón
Degree in Psychology,
therapist, Teacher of Yoga
and conscious breathing. Masters in Human Rights and Citizenship (ecological thinking), UB. Postgraduate in Conflictology and collaborating professor at the UOC in the masters in conflict resolution. Expert in assertive communication. Coordinator and teacher of Holistic Training;, University of Girona. Practitioner and facilitator of Reconnecting Work (Deep Ecology) by Joanna Macy. Co-translator of his recent book Esperanza Activa

Eli Dalmau
Mindfulness instructor
and gestalt therapist.
We collaborate with
Mindfulness workshops for teenagers in high schools, including the Teatre rol. Trained as a specialist in Mindfulness for Adults, for children and adolescents, teachers. With MindfulSchools in the USA,
Mindfulness in Schools projects,
.b from Oxford,the method of Eline Snel and Escoles Despertes.
In addition For more than 20 years working in the environmental and business sector, specializing in Water, degree in Biology.

Professional in the world of
educational theater
1998 - Present.
12 years as a touring actor
of plays in English by
Spain Experience as actor, director, in dramatic theatre, comedy and educational theater musical, both in English as in Catalan.
English teacher
Private classes 2013 – Currently.
English language teaching. Grammar and conversation classes for all ages. Levels between A1 and C2.
Education Bcn Theater School, 1995
Peter Commons
Mar Figueras
Creative collaborator of props, image and scenography.
Creator of Creative Simplicity, support for a more sustainable life change.
Mother and entrepreneur and climate activist.