- Imagineu-vos totes les classes d'un matí o d'una setmana sencera amb el mestre parlant en anglès natiu.
- Imagineu-vos que es toquen assignatures habituals junt amb jocs, dinàmiques d'expressió de veu, cos, reptes col·laboratius.
- On s'introdueixen mindfulness, emocions i valors amb humor i cura.
No voldrieu ser -hi ?
Course aimed at working on and deepening the content that students work on at school with exciting activities. Adding group dynamics, mindfulness and emotional management together with touches of theater and artistic expression. A practical immersion of the knowledge they are studying, where the classes are entirely in English.
Linguistic immersion course in English
Y u English
This year I have included some of my knowledge and experience of Mindfulness and emotion management in language immersion weeks in educational centers, resulting in an enriching life experience for all.
Now, I will officially introduce these tools with the collaboration of
S U in the subjects part.
Mindfulness helps to calm down, open up, "change the chip on English" + concentrate
Role-playing to eliminate shame and 'Flow'
Ice breaker games, enjoying
Home-Joy (not "Homework ;-) ) we share Audio or Video-recordings to make 'listenings' or funny or musical videos, which they can enjoy in groups or individually at home, and make their own "recording".
Happy to startar offering itor for the 2023-2024 academic year
Feel free to to order more info.
More info on mindfulness:Here.
Dr. Earth's message
from home (in English!)
(Stay All the Rap
with a recruitment!!)
*Rap of Irregular verbs
Allows space for repetition
and ...a choreography for the brave!