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Centres Educatius
Crema azul para Gradiente


    Language activities: 
     català      English      or Spanish

(with English subtitles on YouTube)

Crema azul para Gradiente

--------------------------------------  Infants ---------------------------------

Happy sweet cake eating editado.jpg

Duration: 45-55 min.

1 actor:  up to 60 students

   2 actors: up to 120 students

English level: Adapted according to age. All Primary Cycles.

(Values: Sharing Vs Competing, Inner Peace, Acceptance, Patience, Integral Mindfulness, and Eco Vs Refined Food).

The journey to happiness of Bob, a boy   who wants to be happy all the time, not just for a while. He comes to a conclusion: the more sweets, the happier and the longer!! In his search for the perfect sweet, a wise man who meets him along the way presents him with magic glasses and communicates a special message to him:
"Find the sweet inside."
Will Bob be able to understand this message?

(Values: Sharing Vs competing, Inner peace, acceptance, patience, Mindfulness Integral, and Eco Vs refined food).

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Who is Mr. English?

(helper someone with Amnesia)

monkey jumping.png

All of a sudden an individual appears in the classroom looking clueless and only speaking English. Once he lost his memory. With the help of the Teacher, the imagination and some songs will the students get her memory back and remember who she is? (a teacher environmentalist-activist who when observed a forest from a tree, fell).

 Very participatory activity with music and body expression.

Values:Inclusion, compassion, solidarity, creativity, colloquial English.


Duration:40-55 min.

1 actor:  up to 60 students

   2 actors: up to 120 students

English level:Adapted according to age. All Primary Cycles.


Teacher Rita comments on the show:

"Mr. English"

All of a sudden an individual appears in the classroom looking clueless and only speaking English. He has amnesia, a stroke has made him lose his memory. With the help of the teacher, the imagination and some songs, will the students be able to bring back their memory and remember who they are? (a master environmentalist-activist who, when observing a forest from a tree, fell).

 Very participatory activity with music and body expression.

Values: Inclusion, compassion, solidarity, creativity, English, music.

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Who is really the Alien?
All flowers and plants are equally special
Inclusivity, equity, empathy.

Durada: 40-55 min.


Narrator inside sceneogr YES.jpg
Flor lila en viu YES.jpg

Valors: Anti-bullying, Inclusió, cooperació, acceptació, empatia, Mindfulness, apoderament, autoestima.

Who is more special?... or are we all?

Selfies, Cute, stunning, ....


In a garden, flowers of different colors, appearance, condition, smell, tastes, beliefs,...but there is something similar in all of them.  "Akiara", which seems to come from space, is located  some flowers arguing about which is the best.will enter the magical/mindful glasses that will allow you to see thatwonderful in each one and value each "flower"..."Here and Now"
A story about acceptance, inclusiveness and collaboration.

ulleres-magiques-tall-fi (1).png

Let's continue with another look...


Teatre - Debat Juvenil: 

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Special Valentine's Day/des 

Saint George

Valentine's day

Juliet and Romeo...


Per adolescents.

Durada: 45 min- 2h


What is it in a Rose...
that makes it smell so sweet?
Juliet and Romeo/Capulet Vs Montague


what is love Would you die for love? 

What is a name? Would you die for a name?

We will analyze parts of the text of Romeo & Juliet. the confusion that leads to the drama of two lovers and the conflict between clans with different names.

Duration:45-55 min.

1 workshop-actor:  up to 60 students


English level: Adapted to 1st or 2nd ESO


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Who is really the Alien?
All flowers and plants are equally special
Inclusivity, equity, empathy.

Who is special? Are you, is she? are we?...

In a garden, flowers of different colors, appearance, condition, smell, tastes, beliefs,...but there is something similar in all of them.  Akiara, who seems to come from space, is troba  some flowers arguing about which is the best. It will introduce the magical/mindful glasses that will allow you to see the wonderful in each.
A story about acceptance, inclusiveness and collaboration.


Values: Inclusion, cooperation, acceptance, empathy, Mindfulness, empowerment, self-esteem.

Boys and girls from Initial, middle or higher cycle


Duration:45-55 min.

1 actor:  up to 60 students

   2 actors: up to 120 students


English level: Adapted according to the Cycle

Flor lila guinyo.jpg

Qui és més especial?.... o ho som totes?       Selfies, Maca-maco, impressionant, ....


A un jardí, flors de diferents colors, aspecte, condició, olor, gustos, creences,...però hi ha quelcom similar en totes.  Akiara, què sembla venir de l'espai, es troba  unes flors discutint sobre quina és la millor i la més maca.

Introduirà les ulleres màgiques/mindful i amb una dinàmica interactiva es podrà que cadascuna de les flors té valor ... Akí i Ara
Una història sobre acceptació, inclusivitat i col·laboració.


Valors: Anti-bullying, Inclusió, cooperació, acceptació, empatia, Mindfulness, apoderament, autoestima.

-------------------------Mares, pares o families----------------------------

Option  Mindfulness workshops, emotional management or crisis responses for Teachers,  Students, AFAS*

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