- Take care of us, take care of nature.
-Understand the consequences of our walk.
-Cultivating a healthy individual and glocal outlook and actions​. (Local-Global)
Another way of looking
Economy centered on Life.
Ecosocial and Eco-feminist
You are the Earth:
(Diagnosis of the World)
Higher cycle, 1st and 2nd year of ESO
Dr. Earth adapts the "magical/Mindful glasses" looking at our world making a diagnosis together about the origin of conflicts: climate change, wars with interests. We will conduct an investigation with precision, linking the current situation to the actions of humans.
We will observe manufactured objects, their journey from birth to their end? What effect does the market have and the impact of the products on the earth.
With dynamics and touches of humor, it will introduce us to a very particular universe, where we will value respect for the environment with our actions.
Conscious, cooperative, circular, sustainable and supportive economy.
After seeing the successful results collaborating with the friends of S U English in Barcelona, where we saw how, in addition to improving the students' oral English experience, I was able to include some of my knowledge and experience of Mindfulness and Emotions in the Class with an enriching life experience for all.
Now officially introducing aqthese tools with collaborationor from
S U in the subjects part.
Mindfulness helps to calm down, open up, "change the chip on English" + concentrate
Role-playing to eliminate shame and 'Flow'
Ice breaker games, enjoying
Home-Joy (not "Homework ;-) ) we share Audio or Video-recordings to make 'listenings' or funny or musical videos, which they can enjoy in groups or individually at home, and make their own "recording".
Happy to startby offering it for the 2023-2024 academic year
Feel free to to order more info.
the action in the World
with Conscious "Glasses". whatthey connect and observe from the heart.
We can walk unconsciously, polluting and with struggles towards a world toxic, or see and act with understanding of our interdependence.
Cycle of Water / Cycle of water
Initial cycle
"Inter-current" exhibition on the cycle and the importance of water in our lives.
With funny examples. Accompanying with mime and expression corporal, experiencing the elements of nature.
Conscious, solidarity, ecological economy i transformadora
High school
Introduction through the dynamics of Rol and games to how conscious consumption and the jobs we do affect the situation around the world. And how everyone with their awareness and knowledge can contribute to a world without climate change or wars. Starting Here and Now.
Providing local solutions with global effect.
Social and solidarity economy. Eq. Cooperative, Circular, of the common good, sustainable,...
Providing local solutions with global effect